GeoBeer Analytics


A collection of analytics about GeoBeer events, including the tools to produce them. Hopefully useful also to other meetup and event organisers.

View the Project on GitHub GeoBeer/geobeer-analytics

Ticketing process

Background and rationale

GeoBeer events are free of charge to participants. Each event sponsor defines their own ticket quota. The ticket quota is often depleted within a relatively short timeframe.

Based on event registration data from the, we analysed the time it takes until 50% of the allocated tickets are gone. We analyse this timeframe rather than the time it takes until all tickets are gone for two reasons:

Both these issues would affect the complete analysis in a way that would strongly overestimate the time until tickets are gone.


Ticket registration times per event


This analysis was done using the R-script 1-visualize-ticket-registrations.R. It is compatible with data exported from (but shouldn’t be too complicated to adapt for other ticketing platforms as long as they provide a timestamp when a ticket was issued). If, like us, you want to analyse several events at once, aggregate the data by concatenating records from your per-event CSV files into just one aggregate file before running the analysis.

Back to the main page

→ Look at our analysis of the event locations

→ Look at our analysis of the audience gender balance

→ Look at our analysis of the speaker gender balance